*这一系列文章来源于Fabien Potencier,基于Symfony1.4编写的Jobeet Tutirual。
- 列表(list)页面
- 创建(new create)页面
- 编辑(edit update)页面
- 删除(delete)页面
- Model层:定义业务逻辑(数据库操作也属于这层)。我们已经知道了在Symfony中,所有和Model层相关的类都放在Entity/目录下。
- View层:与用户交互的图形界面(模板引擎属于这个层)。Symfony 2.3.2的View层使用的模板引擎主要是Twig。Symfony中的视图文件被放在各个Resources/views/目录下,我们待会就来介绍它。
- Controller层:它通过Model层来获取数据,然后对数据进行处理后把结果渲染到View层并返回给客户端(浏览器)。在教程的第一天中我们就简单地介绍了怎么样通过Symfony来访问页面,我们已经看到所有的请求都被前端控制器(front controller)给管理起来了(app.php和app_dev.php),而前端控制器其实把真正的工作交给action来处理。
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/layout.html.twig --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> {% block title %} Jobeet - Your best job board {% endblock %} </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> {% block stylesheets %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/css/main.css') }}" type="text/css" media="all" /> {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {% endblock %} <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/images/favicon.ico') }}" /> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div class="content"> <h1><a href="{{ path('ibw_job') }}"> <img src="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/images/logo.jpg') }}" alt="Jobeet Job Board" /> </a></h1> <div id="sub_header"> <div class="post"> <h2>Ask for people</h2> <div> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job') }}">Post a Job</a> </div> </div> <div class="search"> <h2>Ask for a job</h2> <form action="" method="get"> <input type="text" name="keywords" id="search_keywords" /> <input type="submit" value="search" /> <div class="help"> Enter some keywords (city, country, position, ...) </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('notice') %} <div class="flash_notice"> {{ flashMessage }} </div> {% endfor %} {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('error') %} <div class="flash_error"> {{ flashMessage }} </div> {% endfor %} <div class="content"> {% block content %} {% endblock %} </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="content"> <span class="symfony"> <img src="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/images/jobeet-mini.png') }}" /> powered by <a href="http://www.symfony.com/"> <img src="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/images/symfony.gif') }}" alt="symfony framework" /> </a> </span> <ul> <li><a href="">About Jobeet</a></li> <li class="feed"><a href="">Full feed</a></li> <li><a href="">Jobeet API</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="">Affiliates</a></li> </ul> |
Twig是Symfony默认的模板引擎,你可以像我们在上面的代码中一样定义区块(blocks)。在Twig的block中,我们可以给它们定义默认的内容(比如上面的title block)。待会我们将会看到如何在子模板中替换block中默认的内容或者是继承block中的内容。
现在我们想要使用layout的话,我们还需要去编辑子模板(src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/目录下的index,edit、new和show)去继承layout并重写(overwrite)layout中的block content。子模板的结构就像下面那样:
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{% extends 'IbwJobeetBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block content %} <!-- original body block code goes here --> {% endblock %} |
1 |
php app/console assets:install web --symlink |
在css文件夹中,我们可以看到有四个文件:admin.css,job.css,jobs.css和main.css。main.css需要被所有的Jobeet页面使用,所以我们把它放在layout中的stylesheet twig block里。剩下的其它三个css文件我们在需要用到它们的时侯才把它们加入到页面中。
为了能够在模板中加入新的css文件,我们需要重写stylesheet block中的内容,但需要先调用父block,这样才不会把main.css给覆盖掉(看代码就明白了)。
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/index.html.twig --> {% extends 'IbwJobeetBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/css/jobs.css') }}" type="text/css" media="all" /> {% endblock %} <!-- rest of the code --> |
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/show.html.twig --> {% extends 'IbwJobeetBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/css/job.css') }}" type="text/css" media="all" /> {% endblock %} <!-- rest of the code --> |
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// src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Controller/JobController.php // ... public function indexAction() { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $entities = $em->getRepository('IbwJobeetBundle:Job')->findAll(); return $this->render('IbwJobeetBundle:Job:index.html.twig', array( 'entities' => $entities )); } // ... |
我们来仔细看看上面的代码:在indexAction()方法中得到了一个Doctrine实体管理对象(entity manager object),这个对象会负责把数据持久化到数据库或者把数据从数据库中取出。Repository则生成一个查询去检索数据库中的Job数据,它会返回一个Job类型的Doctrine ArrayColletion对象,然后把这个对象传递给模板(视图)。
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/index.html.twig --> {% extends 'IbwJobeetBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/css/jobs.css') }}" type="text/css" media="all" /> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Job list</h1> <table class="records_list"> <thead> <tr> <th>Id</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Company</th> <th>Logo</th> <th>Url</th> <th>Position</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Description</th> <th>How_to_apply</th> <th>Token</th> <th>Is_public</th> <th>Is_activated</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Expires_at</th> <th>Created_at</th> <th>Updated_at</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for entity in entities %} <tr> <td><a href="{{ path('ibw_job_show', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">{{ entity.id }}</a></td> <td>{{ entity.type }}</td> <td>{{ entity.company }}</td> <td>{{ entity.logo }}</td> <td>{{ entity.url }}</td> <td>{{ entity.position }}</td> <td>{{ entity.location }}</td> <td>{{ entity.description }}</td> <td>{{ entity.howtoapply }}</td> <td>{{ entity.token }}</td> <td>{{ entity.ispublic }}</td> <td>{{ entity.isactivated }}</td> <td>{{ entity.email }}</td> <td>{% if entity.expiresat %}{{ entity.expiresat|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}{% endif%}</td> <td>{% if entity.createdat %}{{ entity.createdat|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}{% endif%}</td> <td>{% if entity.updatedat %}{{ entity.updatedat|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}{% endif%}</td> <td> <ul> <li> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job_show', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">show</a> </li> <li> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job_edit', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">edit </a> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> <ul> <li> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job_new') }}"> Create a new entry </a> </li> </ul> {% endblock %} |
我们来清除一些不需要显示出来的列(columns)。用下面的代码替换掉twig block content:
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/index.html.twig --> {% block content %} <div id="jobs"> <table class="jobs"> {% for entity in entities %} <tr class="{{ cycle(['even', 'odd'], loop.index) }}"> <td class="location">{{ entity.location }}</td> <td class="position"> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job_show', { 'id': entity.id }) }}"> {{ entity.position }} </a> </td> <td class="company">{{ entity.company }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> </div> {% endblock %} |
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<!-- src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Resources/views/Job/show.html.twig --> {% extends 'IbwJobeetBundle::layout.html.twig' %} {% block title %} {{ entity.company }} is looking for a {{ entity.position }} {% endblock %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/ibwjobeet/css/job.css') }}" type="text/css" media="all" /> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <div id="job"> <h1>{{ entity.company }}</h1> <h2>{{ entity.location }}</h2> <h3> {{ entity.position }} <small> - {{ entity.type }}</small> </h3> {% if entity.logo %} <div class="logo"> <a href="{{ entity.url }}"> <img src="/uploads/jobs/{{ entity.logo }}" alt="{{ entity.company }} logo" /> </a> </div> {% endif %} <div class="description"> {{ entity.description|nl2br }} </div> <h4>How to apply?</h4> <p class="how_to_apply">{{ entity.howtoapply }}</p> <div class="meta"> <small>posted on {{ entity.createdat|date('m/d/Y') }}</small> </div> <div style="padding: 20px 0"> <a href="{{ path('ibw_job_edit', { 'id': entity.id }) }}"> Edit </a> </div> </div> {% endblock %} |
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// src/Ibw/JobeetBundle/Controller/JobController.php public function showAction($id) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $entity = $em->getRepository('IbwJobeetBundle:Job')->find($id); if (!$entity) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Job entity.'); } $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($id); return $this->render('IbwJobeetBundle:Job:show.html.twig', array( 'entity' => $entity, 'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(), )); } |
就像在indexAction()中一样,IbwJobeetBundle repository是用来检索一个指定的Job数据,但这次使用的是find()方法。find()方法的参数是能一个够唯一标识Job的标识符,即主键。在下面的内容中我们会探索showAction()是怎么样得到Job数据的主键$id的值。
如果用户需要访问的Job页面不存在,throw $this->createNotFoundException()